Target Audience
Who are the target audience for short films?
The main target audience for short films are people who are interested in making short films themselves. These could be students studying media and creative arts. Other people will include professional industries looking for young filmmakers who they can work with. Investors will also be the target audience, as they will be looking at young or experienced filmmakers who they think will be successful and take them on board with their business. According to the VALS system, short films could be targeted at “experiencers” who like new products and styles but soon get tired with them and look for something else. Short films can also be aimed at “strivers” who have a low income and are searching for approval from others, which will make them feel like they can gain ownership of possessions even though they may not be able to afford most of them.
Who are the target audience for the films you looked at?
The first film I looked at was “Letters From An Anonymous Addict”. The target audience for this film could be argued that they will be students studying world affairs or just people interested in what is going on around the world. This film could be aimed at charities, which help youths in lower economical statuses.
The next film I looked at was “Fight”. The target audience for this film can be British youth males, specifically students in school’s in the North West who are faced with violence on a regular basis. It could be targeted also to the parents of British school children as some of them may not be aware of the violence that occurs in schools.
The next film I looked at was "Live Before You Die". I believe that the target audience for this film would be young people, both male and female aged around 16 - 18. I think this because that age group wont have as many life experiences and they could be encouraged to take the route of the traveller's.
The final film I looked at was "Ashes". The target audience for this film would be broken families in Britain, especially broken father and son relationships.
Who are you making your film for?
My film will be made for teenagers from 17 years old up to people aged 21 who are either starting to drive or have been driving for a little bit. My film will be aimed at those who take drugs or have drugs around them in their community either from friends or family. This film will also be aimed at them teenagers who have friends who pressure them into doing illegal things. According to The VALS system, my film will be aimed at "trendies" as my film is based around the pressure of peers. My film could also be aimed at "groupies" as some of the characters in my film may join in with their friends just to be accepted even though they know that some of the stuff they are doing is illegal.
How will you measure your success in having made a product which appeals to this audience?
I will show my film at school in front of my media class and ask for feedback on it and find out whether my film fits my target audience. I will also broadcast my short film on Youtube and use the feedback comments I receive to measure if my film is targeting the audience I chose for it.